Providing education to restore respect for life from conception to natural death

Niagara Region Right to Life is a registered charity and educational partner that believes all human life should be protected from conception to natural death. We work through educational means providing empirical scientific evidence and logical reasoning, to engage and empower youth to become integrated citizens who are willing to take a stand and be an effective voice to restore respect for all human life.

Join the 2025 Pro-Life Youth Summit

Unwavering: Protecting Every Life
Friday, May 9, 2025

Every year, an overwhelming number of young people gather on parliament hill at the National March for Life, to show their support for the protection of all human life. See the events below organized by Niagara Region Right to Life.


We are happy to announce that the annual Youth Summit, hosted by Campaign Life Coalition Youth and Niagara Region Right to Life, will be returning to Ottawa!

For more information


Niagara Region Right to Life organizes the annual Father Ted Colleton Scholarship Contest.

Niagara Region Right to Life is pleased to offer this special learning opportunity as part  of its mandate to reach out  to society through an educational format. In particular, Niagara Region RTL wishes to help  educate and  inform the younger generations about the preciousness and  possibilities of human life from conception to natural death and how  certain threats affect those possibilities in its beginnings.


We utilize commercial billboards on busy streets and highways to share an educational pro-life message.